Introduction to
ASEEDER Business Simulation
The ASEEDER Business Simulation aims to help aspiring business leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow grasp a better logistical and strategic understanding of how to run a business. As of 2024, over 81,000 students from over 600 schools across Asia have participated in this program.
Within this simulation, students will work in teams to form their own companies and make decisions on various aspects of their business from their company culture to their production needs.
Academic Sessions
The program consists of 4 main sessions: company operations, roadshow presentations, trading game, and social activities. Each section is designed to create a holistic experience of entrepreneurship and facilitates students in building important entrepreneurial skill sets such as business management, strategic thinking, and teamwork.
Business Simulation and Sustainable Development Goals
Throughout the simulation, students will learn critical business concepts such as product design, branding, operations management, and future growth forecasting.
Since 2021, the ASEEDER Business Simulation has also incorporated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a core tenet of its program design, to mirror the growing need for sustainability in the strategic decisions that real-world companies now make.
Each month students are challenged to propose sustainable business solutions that focus on a different SDG, and to cultivate a deeper understanding of businesses as dual engines of economic growth and social development.
To shape the pulse of business leadership to build future sustainable economies and societies
In a 21st century world fraught with increasing multi-dimensional challenges and risks, we increasingly need business leaders who can devise innovative blueprints to provide lasting positive economic and social value that benefit various stakeholders – including governments, employees, communities, and more.
Delivering project-based learning experiences that equip young entrepreneurs to thrive in the 21st century business world
Important skills for business leaders
The ASEEDER Business Simulation challenge invites students to embark on their first experience of entrepreneurship. To grow their potential as future business leaders.
ASEEDER provides a platform for students to explore their innovative capabilities and to hone their purpose and sustainability-driven business leadership through our ASEEDER Business Simulation challenge.

The ASDAN Business Simulation Challenge signed a strategic partnership with the Yale Global Economic Forum to launch the first ever World Youth Economic Forum (WYEF). To date, over 60,000 students from top high schools and international schools have participated in the event. The event consists of sections such as company operations, roadshow presentations, and an auction challenge, all designed to help students experience a real-world business setting.
ASDAN officially launched the All Star event, which is the business simulation semi-finals event open to the top 60% of teams from the regional round business simulation competitions. Top-performing teams from the All Star event can advance to the WYEF National Finals.
ASDAN signed a strategic partnership with Young Entrepreneur Success (YES) to become the official Selection Organizing Committee for the “YES! Silicon Valley Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge” in the China region. Top gold, bronze and silver teams from China will stand a chance to attend the Global Demo Day event based in Silicon Valley and to pitch their business ideas to a group of investors and entrepreneurs. The winners of the pitch can receive up to $30,000 of angel investment as well as one year of mentorship from a business mentor.
ASDAN expanded its business simulation competitions online, increasing its outreach to an additional 5,000 local and international students
- With the growing influence of the ASDAN Business Simulation Challenge, as well as demand by parents for financial literacy education, ASDAN expanded its business simulation competition to include junior division students
- ASDAN hosted the first international business simulation in Mongolia (First business simulation outside of China region)
- In 2021, ASDAN began to incorporate the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within its monthly academic themes. In each month, students learn about an important global challenge and are asked to identify meaningful business solutions to address the challenge. This allows students to better understand the important relationships among businesses, communities, and the planet.
The top winning team of the ASDAN Business Simulation WYEF Finals ‘Wave’ represented China to participate in the “YES! Silicon Valley Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge” and won second place with a secured angel investment fund of $8000.
An experiential learning program for students to apply business concepts and knowledge in a practical real-world business environment
An independent student organization that supports undergraduates in shaping global economic policies through dialogue
An awarding body for professional qualifications in banking and finance in the UK and internationally
An annual international competition for high school students in the field of economics
A not-for-profit organization offering investment-related programs for high school students to inspire the next generation of young investors
A Davos-themed economic forum co-hosted by ASEEDER for students to develop knowledge and skills in business, economics, and/or finance
Provides a high-school fellowship to train the next generation of bulldog entrepreneurs & venture capitalists by connecting the builders, creators, and investors that drive innovation
Accelerate high-potential young entrepreneurs as they create and develop thriving businesses
An organization providing tools and resources to support economic clubs in schools across the globe