The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a framework provided by the global community highlighting the universal challenges that we face today. The 17 SDGs range from providing access to good healthcare and decent work opportunities to building stakeholder partnerships and using resources in an environmentally sustainable way.
Business and Sustainability
Stakeholders of businesses today, such as investors and customers, increasingly expect businesses to serve a 'bigger purpose' beyond just making profits. Businesses are expected to align their corporate strategy in a way that also meets the needs of the wider society and community. Businesses stand to gain in 5 key areas by addressing these SDGs:
Seize Market Opportunity
It is estimated that business models related to sustainability and SDGs can open economic opportunities worth up to US$12 trillion
Drive Growth
When businesses invest in SDG goals such as education and healthcare, they are also building an educated and healthy workforce to help boost their productivity in the long run
Address Risk
Businesses that find innovative solutions to address the SDGs can also create new opportunities and build new markets to reduce their business risks
Attract Capital
Businesses can increase their access to capital by addressing SDGs, which are increasingly prioritized by institutional investors with funding capital
Build trust amongst stakeholders
Businesses can secure the confidence and trust of all stakeholders such as employees and investors by focusing on a purpose that is rooted in creating value for others
SDG4: 优质教育
SDG8: 体面工作和经济增长
SDG 15:陆地生物
与 IUCN 合作设计限量版 T 恤,以提高人们对世界上极度濒危动物物种的认识
SDG 2:零饥饿
SDG 1:无贫穷
SDG 6:洁净饮水和卫生设施
发起WASH 计划倡议,例如:建设水过滤厂并培训妇女安全饮水实践,以改善印度女工获取饮用水的方式和知识
SDG 14:水下生物
以回收的海洋塑料制成 Parley 鞋履系列
Tommy Hilfiger
SDG 3:良好健康与福祉
SDG 13:气候行动
SDG 12:负责任消费和生产
“我们不能否认气候变化危机正在恶化,并且我们一刻也不能松懈。 通过采取真正的气候行动,我们将更接近实现#GlobalGoals。”
ASEEDER Business Simulation and SDG
Since 2021, the ASEEDER Business Simulation has incorporated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a core tenet of its program design to mirror the growing importance of sustainability in the real business world. Students are challenged to cultivate a deeper understanding of businesses as dual engines of economic growth and social development, and to apply their knowledge of sustainability in different facets of their business from product design and marketing to branding and project management.
Students will be given the chance to demonstrate their role as forward-thinking sustainable business leaders as they present business ideas that reflect both strong business acumen and knowledge of corporate social responsibility.
Past Student Projects

SDG 1 No Poverty
There are currently over 700 million people, or 11% of the world’s population, who still live in extreme poverty and who lack access to basic needs such as health, education, and water. 70% of the global total of extremely poor people live in Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, where majority of people live on less than $1.90 a day. The recent COVID-pandemic has pushed an additional 120 million back to extreme poverty in 2020.
One of the key UN targets is to reduce the number of people living in poverty (men, women and children of all ages) everywhere by at least half in 2030.
Create a partnership with an NGO supporting SDG1, and explain how your partnership can help to reduce poverty for a target group.
Company Name: K-ON
Student Names :Y.J. Wu, J. Yang, B.Y. Wang, C.Y. Qiu, Y. Tong, L.J. Du, Z.Q. Qu, S.J. Wu
School Name:Beijing Haidian Kaiwen Academy, Shanghai International High School of BANZ, Wuhan Britain-China School, Ready Global Academy, Emei No.1 High School
Regional Round:2022.02.26-27 Suzhou Science and Technology Town Foreign Language High School (Online)
SDG 1 No Poverty
Company Name:K-ON

SDG 4 Quality Education
A good education is the foundation for a stable and productive life. However, access to quality education has remained a pressing challenge in many parts of the globe. in 2020, an additional 9% of children worldwide (or 101 million people) from grades 1- 8 have fallen below minimum reading levels, with the number now totaling 55% (584 million in 2020).It is crucial that we begin to address the increasing gaps in education, as the lack of learning opportunities can diminish the chance for these individuals to succeed throughout their lives and to contribute meaningfully to society.
Project Introduction:
Design a digital inclusion program to help a target group improve their digital literacy skills and overall employment opportunities.
Company Name:Momare
Student Name:Richelle Yao, Y.J. Li, Vivian Li
School Name:Chengdu Shishi Union Middle School
Regional Round:2022.05.21 JR (online)
SDG 4 Quality Education
Company Name:Momare

SDG 5 Gender Equality
Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and therefore also half of its potential. While there has been progress in gender equality over the last few decades, the world is still not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030. One of the focuses of this SDG is to ensure the full and effective participation and equal opportunities of leadership of women. By introducing policies or initiatives to encourage more female employees to embark on intrapreneurship, businesses can reap benefits of higher economic productivity and stronger business growth in the long-term.
Project Introduction:
Design an intrapreneurship program and explain how your company would introduce initiatives to encourage potential female intrapreneurs to participate in this program.
Company Name:Qiang Sheng
Student Name:Z.W. Zhang, X.X. Zhuang, X.H. Li, S.M. Dong, C.X. Fu
School Name:Tianjin Foreign Languages School Affiliated to Tianjin Foreign Studies University
Regional Round: 2023.04.08-09 Beijing Haidian Kaiwen (SR)
SDG 5 Gender Equality
Company Name:Qiang Shenge

SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
Rapid global population growth has led to a surge in consumption and production of goods and services worldwide. However, the traditional models of consumption and production, which are fuelled using resources in the natural environment, have tended to drive economic growth at the expense of the environment and human health. We need to begin to re-evaluate how we can produce and consume more sustainably, or we may run out of resources for our future development.
Project Introduction:
Create a product based on the circular economy model and explain how you will use after-sales services to prevent waste production in your business.
Company Name:NewTech
Student Name:Jasmine Wu, Leon Zhang, X.Y. Chen, X.Y. Chen
School Name:Guangdong Country Garden School, NAS Guangzhou, Panyu, Luopu Xiajiao School
Regional Round:2023.03.26 JR (Online)
SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
Company Name:NewTech