ASIA Business Simulation
Embark on Your Journey of Sustainable Business Leadership
ASIA Business Simulation
将产品设计、市场营销、品牌策划、公司经营、项目管理等财商知识与联合国SDG 17个可持续发展目标相结合,解决真实商业世界问题
同时,优秀团队还将有机会获得ASDAN英国颁发的UK Enterprise证书,可作为海外升学重要依据
Achieving Your Business Dreams
From Regional to National, and Asia to Silicon Valley
Regional Round
2 Days | Offline
1 Day | Online
“Establish Your Foundation of Business Knowledge”
Gold/Silver/Bronze Team from Regional round is qualified for Finals
Semi League
National Round
Open for Top 70% Team from China Region
6 Days in Winter | All Star | Guangdong
6 Days in Summer | WYEF | Suzhou
“Unlock Your Future as a Business Tycoon”
Finals Round
Open for Gold, Silver and Bronze in regional rounds and Semi League's awarded team
6 Days in Winter | All Star | Guangdong
6 Days in Summer | WYEF | Suzhou
The Stage for Globally Acclaimed Young Business Elites
Gold/Silver/Bronze Team from Regional Round is qualified for Finals
Onsite Video
Age Division

Suitable For: Students Grades 4-6

Suitable For: Students Grades 7-9

Suitable For: Students Grades

Registration Process
01 Register
Click on the ‘Register Now’ icon on the top right, fill in your personal information and register for an ASEEDER account

02 Select Round
Choose one competition based on your age, available date, and preferred location

03 Form Team
After you register, select your team mates on the ASEEDER ‘Team Formation’ page
- Online Round: 3-4 pax
- Offline Round: 6-8 pax

04 Preparing
ASEEDER will provide exclusive learning materials to help students prepare for the competition

05 Let's Start!
Get ready to embrace business challenges and to take your first step as a future business leader!

Upcoming Events
Student Story
The end of the 2021 ASIA Business Simulation Finals felt very surreal. We were thrilled about the results we achieved but we did not become arrogant and full of ourselves. We understand that this result is a validation of the effort that we’ve put in, and what has really had a huge impact on myself and my team is the entire process from participating from online to offline, to the All Star Semi League and finally WYEF Finals. To me, this entire process has not only increased my personal development but has also given me more of a zest for life, an aspiration towards the future, and helped me develop my personal maturity.
——Song *Jian, Yingling International School Shenyang Campus
In the YES Program, I experienced the true value of ASIA Business Simulation's road show presentations as well as the relationship among revenue, pricing, and cost control within the simulated business operations. I picked up skills from understanding individual business concepts and conducting a macro analysis of the market to exploring the strengths and weaknesses of various business models and establishing demand-supply relationships. Only after completing a series of analyses can we further refine the target market and product details, and finally conduct cost calculations. As a participant, I have experienced each step of the process of entrepreneurship and understand that entrepreneurs face many challenges and hardships in the process of entrepreneurship.
——Liu *Yu, Jinqiu A-Level College of Shijiazhuang New Channel School
I have picked up one important principle after attending multiple ASIA Business Simulation competitions – which is to not pre-determine the final results. A ‘tiny’ mistake can cost us significantly, and a smart shift in calculation strategy can lead us to reversing our fortunes and dominating the market. The business simulation has always been associated with ‘Adrenaline’ and ‘Excitement’, and as CEOs we need to continuously lead our team to overcome different challenges and to strive for our best in every section. A business competition is never just for individuals, but relies on the support and rapport of team members. To us, having a strong team spirit is the only way to achieve true victory.
——Cui *Ning, Shanghai Nuomei School
From the YES Program, I learned how to plan out a business from scratch, from researching
about the industry to building an entrepreneurial idea to
developing a full business plan. I learned that to create a
successful business, we must first understand the market and identify the needs of consumers. It's not only about creating a business plan but also about delivering a catchy elevator pitch so that you can communicate a 10-page business plan in just 2 minutes to attract potential investors. The most satisfying moment is when our YES Program mentor Mr. Roger White gave his approval of our business ideas and told us that it had great potential to be developed. "Once it's launched, it will no doubt be a great success. I wonder why people never thought of this before."——Yu *Yue, Brighton College
I first took on LIBF because it was known by international students as the ‘High School Students’ CFA’, and it is also highly related to the major that I wanted to apply for in university. Taking the path that all business students took, I experienced the intense challenge of LIBF and it gave me a clear understanding of the subject of finance. I also realized that the process and the journey is more important the actual results. Within the LIBF challenge, we not only learned basic knowledge regarding financial systems and financial planning, but also learned how to mutually complement each other as a team, rather than emphasizing the individual. In the social financial market, we experienced intense competition by the second, which not only tested our mastery of financial knowledge but also our analytical judgment and ability to stay calm under pressure.
——Wang *Ya, Zhengzhou Foreign Language New Fengyang School
From EEO to the YES Program, and from economics to business, we met various challenges. However, we stood firm in the belief that if we can persevere each challenge and if we put in our best effort, then we will be able to achieve what we hope for.
——Da *Yuan, Affiliated Middle School of Northwest Normal University